Bukit Barisan, South Sumatra; Heaven these major tourist attractions
07.19 | Author: natural beauty from Indonesia

If interested in sightseeing, sports and adventure at the same time, some sports rafting river in South Sumatra, the offer. The geographical area west of South Sumatra, which borders the Bukit Barisan, to "paradise" for the fans and the like with the challenges and new experiences. A number of children who have current swift rivers and berjeram (white water) are scattered in various locations. Recently, a team of students of nature Wigwam (Faculty of Law Unsri), shoot rapid in the river upstream Manna (the Southeast Mount Dempo). Manna river that makes the South Bengkulu Province is located in the upper area of South Sumatra. Location start in the city Subdistrict Tanjungsakti (plan) is located in Bukit Barisan, normally used sports fans rafting. From the beginning, the river has a level of difficulty of divers. Indeed, this location is also offered for the package tour, but the grade (the level of difficulty), on the guide (guide), which experienced. Diu usually select a location, because the nearest point to be down to the river. From here, the river flow and wide enough that the thunderous sounds. Torrent offered in this section, it is enough to increase adrenalin racing body. Bulge formed stones and cause the flow of water, requires extra energy to overdo it. Swaying in the waves here, can still be witnessed villagers. Only in seconds, not long rest, at the end of river basins form the court that the flow is relatively calm, providing the opportunity for interesting and a little napas to rest. Natural beauty, cliffs in the left-right rivers offer natural beauty of tropical rain forest. Flow is quiet, only 50 meters, is waiting in front of the cascade of not less stir. The team seems to "developed" by the skipper (helmsman) to be prepared through a narrow lane. In point along the 15 kilometers that go, at least two cascade that requires full concentration on the team. Establish a rapid fracture (holes) and batuang padas river edge, and the flow curve at the end of the rapid flow and form a basin play. Sports rafting is not so popular in this region. Announced as the new lovers (outdoor). This activity is still categorized as high-risk sports, standards and procedures when the level of ability (skill) is not observed. Manna, including rapid Sungai, with a maximum category of difficulty-grade IV. Not so strange if the defects are not so popular, other than the location requires a relatively long period of time. River rafting location is Manna, for example, less popular among the announced location than rafting has become the area of tourism on the island of Java. I also sepopuler Alas River (in north Sumatra), or even Memberamo in Papua, which has been the globe. Jeram location of the start of Manna in the district plan, the start point is located about 40 kilometers from the city of Pagaralam. Equipment is relatively easily obtained, there are service providers, including guides, domiciled in Pagaralam. This relatively new sports are introduced to the people of South Sumatera, although there has been FAJI container organization (Federation major tourist attractions in Indonesia) and 1997. Potential is also offered by the management of tourism area. In addition, the location of Lematang River rafting, especially the segment Pelangkenidai-Lematang Indah (waterfall). "For adventure, point Lematang Indah (Pagaralam)-Endikat, not many follow. Cascade-cascade and natural 'extraordinary', "said Chairman FAJI South Sumatra, Koesmiran SH, the service Jeram Permata. When this point is less touchable, and it Endikat-point plan, relatively more first known among fans rafting. "Not good, the risk may be lower. exploration around four hours, "said eme from the Wigwam. Lahat and Pagaralam already offers a location for rafting tours. River Enim (Muaraenim), from Begedung (Semendo) end of the 2005 national championship organized rafting (down-river). River Rawasulu (Musirawas) as the location of the tour. River Selabung and Saka (Muaradua, Heading South), the two rivers has been among the rafting schedule. This is the locations of rafting to explore the challenging and adventurous tour.
Lombok; Exotic beach with waves High
07.05 | Author: natural beauty from Indonesia

Senggigi Beach is the main purpose for traveling in this area. The island is part of West Nusa Tenggara Province this famous with its beautiful beaches. The beauty of the beach is even famous in the world. Angina breezy, fresh atmosphere, with comfortable and beautiful scenery of the exotic beaches, roller that chasing white sand and spread of the sheen that impresses to be seen. Because this is the beauty, beaches have been named the world's foremost tourism is never quiet visits from the domestic and foreign tourists. If you intend to visit the island, there are two beaches visited compulsory, namely Senggigi Beach and Beach Kerandangan. Two beach that provides a panorama of natural and beautiful sunset for you. The beautiful scenery of the beach you can see from the coast Rose to object to parts of northern tour three Gili (small islands) in West Lombok. Sparks wave that throws in the coral beach is a stunning natural attraction. Scenery plus attractions you get off the beach in Kerandangan, namely, the beach is situated in the north Senggigi Beach. Pounding waves vessel white cotton rolls at a 3.5 meters, is not something that horrific. Thus roller as it is a characteristic of this beach, so many foreign tourists who use it to surf in the middle roller. Dish that most coastal areas in favor of this, of course roasted fish and other food typical of Lombok can be found at this location. In addition to natural tourism, you can also make a pilgrimage tour by visiting the graves, burying people effect (Aulia) known to the Lombok to spread Islam. Among them is, Loang Baloq graves, burying Batulayar and ended in Kerandangan. To be able to travel to the beautiful locations in Lombok, you do not cost too large. You can rent a vehicle in Lombok, which will take you around Lombok. Sweet enough to sit in your car, then you are presented exotic places this area. Beach Kerandangan beauty, not only hit the city of Mataram, but also many people in Central Lombok and East Lombok and even foreign tourists. Regions in beach this has actually been purchased from Singapore investors, but long neglected. Then the supervisors to manage the beach to collect the levy on vehicles entering and traders in the area along the coast. While the free retribution, there is no objection to the citizens. Kerandangan classified tourist attraction, which is quite cheap. Drawing lots is not necessary, you can enjoy the beach tidy condition airya clear. If you intend bathing on the beach, with enough to rent a former tire. Many visitors who deliberately bring food from home, but it does not mean you can not shop. Sasak typical food sold in the usual area is Sate Ampet, impressive come directly from the Narmada. Kerandangan beach tourism is not only contributing to the seller sate, but also for traders young coconut, coffee, and others. In fact, they willingly come from various corners of the district in Lombok to speculate on the beach Kerandangan. So, do not forget to schedule your next vacation destination in Lombok, tour exotic locations owned by Indonesia. See you next vacation, girls ...
Siung Beach, Yogyakarta; Offer Enchantment Coral Cliff
06.28 | Author: natural beauty from Indonesia

Not only the island of Bali that have a row of white sandy beaches, in the Province Yogyakarta also has some beautiful white sandy beaches along the coastal area south of Gunung Kidul District. One of the white sandy beach as appropriate reference is Siung Beach, which is located precisely in Duwet Hamlet, Village of Pretoria, Tepus, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Coastal reef with a high this fair when then become the favorite beach. In addition to beauty, the beach is supported by the atmosphere of calm. Understandably it, because tourism is not the main object, such as Baron, Kukup Sundak or the beach, Siung Beach that tends to quiet. Remember that travel must be for 2.5 hours from Yogyakarta with a motor vehicle may also cause at least a drop in tourists to this region. Things that eventually the creation trulyjogja.com desire to fill a weekend with a rags-ray ray there. Imagine it has a beautiful beach alone throughout the night. Throughout the journey toward Siung Beach we have been spoiled with a red carpet hill landed with a teak trees wither because of the long drought. However, the actual rainy season, this region will appear more green. This is where the value of Gunung Kidul districts, although the desolate region known as keringnya season with a long but not directly make this area without the charm. After travel for almost two and half hours to go through the various grade curve and, finally paving the white sandy beaches are visible. Once entering the parking area, visitors will be greeted directly by the cliffs and coral reefs that high. Unlike the other beaches in Yogyakarta, Siung Beach treat not only the form of white sand and sea water is calm. Middlebury-canyon cliffs that encircle the beach feasible for the defeated. With slightly uphill, the scenery will be leaving the impression material. In fact, there is a place that is hidden behind the cliffs, cliffs, with the spread of the sizeable area of grass and a traditional gazebo. Sea with a broad frame into a canyon scenery in the background there. Enchantment reef offered by Siung Beach is finally invest cloves coastal tourist attraction as a tourist area of special interest cliff climbing, which is symbolically identified with the house called Pondok Pemanjat, a special place for the climber who want to go envisioned here. In addition to the facilities pemanjat, Camp Ground also available for camping activities lover. Siung Beach is the perfect place to relax with nature. But if you are someone who is very eager to play and run the water chasing waves in the coastal sand, do not expect too much from this beach. Along the coastline is not decorated by nan fine white sand, but rocks and coral seas that are less friendly with our foot. The solution, do not disconnect your sandals. However, precisely coral-reef is to secure Siung Beach lunge directly from large waves, which may drag the water that desperate fans. Coral-reef functions as a natural breakwater. A friend who is also eager to invite their families are with the natural state of this effect on the Beach "Previously Siung Beach is much more beautiful, when first inaugurated, the fish seen swimming freely in the ocean even from a short distance away. However, although the beach is interesting and cloves have a strong magnet to pull us back. " Viewing the long journey to the Siung Beach, surefire many who choose to camp at this location than the need to depart and return in one day. With the camp, they also get many additional activities. View from the sun set, the moon Rise, octopus to hunt at night with the help of torchlight.
Sibayak mountain, Land Karo; Its enchantment Challenge courage
05.55 | Author: natural beauty from Indonesia

Until now, it looks like Mount Sibayak will not completely visited by nature, which come from various corners of the region. On certain days full of adventure tourism locations this as the night market. Lien human overflow with lights, candles, which emit the beauty of the night. The cold winds howl add enchantment Mount Sibayak be interesting to visit. Sibayak mountain (2094 mdpl) administratively located in the Village of King Berneh or better known as Spirit Mountain Village. The region is located at the foot of Mount Sibayak is the area of agriculture, which horticulturalists vegetables and other horticulture. No one if the location is one of the areas of agro-tourism destination in North Sumatra. The road to the location of Mount Sibayak not too difficult. Hiking mountain sibayak not require special techniques. Even as beginners will easily reach the peak and enjoy the blast wind smell the sulfur out of the Mt Sibayak craters. From Medan, this location can be accessed using a public vehicle. The price varies between Rp3000-Rp3500 it go. Meanwhile, point toward climbing Mount Sibayak in several locations, including in the area point Five Four. Five Four-called point because this location is in the position of KM 54 of Medan. If the journey begins from the point Five Four we can enjoy a meal of boiled or roasted corn before travel. From the point of this journey to the peak of Mount Sibayak can be reached by 3-4 hours. Besides the air is cool, boiled corn can be enjoyed with an affordable price range of Rp 1,000 per fruit. Not far with this location, can also see the water Sikulikap that has a height above 7 meters. In short we can enjoy the atmosphere to get satisfaction with the relatively economical cost. The path of the options that are also used Simpang Doulu point or that point ladder in the spirit of the Village of Mt. From this point, relatively short trips around 2 hours through the ladder, which is a point that many off. Before moved to the top of Mount Sibayak, in the area will be found Doulu location pemandia hot water sourced from the crater of Mount Sibayak. While other pathways is a tourism point of the City Tour Brastagi with mileage 4 hours, and the point from the sub-district Sibolangit that takes a three-day trip. Once on Sibayak Mountain Peak, visitors can enjoy the charm and the cluster of rocks and craters exhale smoke smell sulfur. Morning we can see the beauty of the morning sun rays in the spurt during which the rocks there. While the afternoon we will witness the beauty of crimson twilight while waiting for the sunset horizon in the West. From the peak of Mount Sibayak also visible from a distance several villages below the peak of Mount Sinabung and that is contiguous with the Mount Sibayak. In addition to Mount Sibayak, in many areas of this region is to be used as a place of recreation with one specification of natural beauty and cool air. Not surprisingly, if towards the end of the year or holidays and hotel accommodation which is in the area is solid. In the Karo district Simalem not only that we can enjoy, and the views of the mountain cluster in the high plains that has also become a cool attraction for young servant. At least until this day there are two locations that are frequented by many people, the Sibayak and Sinabung. This second location remains a favorite place with the dish and cool panorama that is almost not much different. However, at Sinabung these locations we will find fresh water lakes also provide the beauty of its own. Not infrequently immigrants will be repeatedly visited the location. Spirit Mountain Village would have been inherent in the hearts of those who have hobby roads and suppress the body with a hot sulfur water. Located in the district of Simpang Empat, Tanahkaro District, the area is a selection of tourism weekends for families. With cool air dressing because it is located at the foot of Mount Sibayak, this tour visits the region has a sulfur hot water. Ali flow throughout the period with a bandage that provides panoramic exotic atmosphere beautiful, quiet and peaceful.
Ijen Mountain, Bondowoso; Eksotisme No Appeal
02.03 | Author: natural beauty from Indonesia

Amazing. That is the impression that the light felt anyone who witnessed the beauty of the panorama of Mount Ijen, Bondowoso regency, East Java. Objects that tourism in the mountainous area Ijen-Merapi, the eastern tip of Java, this offers a lot of things. The longer be seen, the effect inherent in predatory cauldron nganga this little sirna. The shadow of terror on the volcanoes that usually able to destroy all living creatures when hot lava eject from the belly of the earth is lost. The effect of scaring the switch with a sense of astonishment and admiration not click around. The extent craters around 5,466 hectares of this store eksotisme volcanic crater. Quietness water craters green bluish elegance is impressive. The scenery there will be more startling when enjoyed in the morning. Water volume is cauldron of about 200 million cubic meters with a heat reaches 200 degrees centigrade that emit green sheen when the golden sunlight back out of Mount Merapi - Mount Ijen twin brother. The beauty of it is maintained by the crater walls, which consist of rocks solfatra and lapili. Both the rocks is a deposition erupsi colored jet black. Occasionally a thick white smoke cover the surface when the wind blow craters from Mount Merapi. And then glance, the smell of sulfur sting when the wind rose from the bottom of craters. Aroma that comes from the typical location of mining brimstone on the southeast side of the crater size of 1,160 meters x 1160 meters it. From about 300 mountain fire which spread in the Indonesian archipelago, located Ijen 2368 at the height of the sea surface is not both of them. In addition eksotisme craters stunning, high altitude incoming National Park Alas Purwo (TNAP) is suitable to be climbing destination for families. Specifically, for those who will be mad adventure in the outdoors. This is supported with supporting facilities such as roads to the location, camping ground, lodging, and tour the hut is sufficient. In addition eksotisme craters, natural cool mountain that is still virgin also owned Ijen. Here, the savanna and forest stepa a wild grass with an average one meter can also find us. Stepa savanna and the breadth reaches 10 thousand hectares is located in the row between the mountain peak, which has an average altitude of 2,000 meters. The row of mountains that extends from the Bluff appear to Daska green ever. Widodaren, Pawenan, Rante, Jampit, roaring and Suket, Kukusan, Deleman, Pendil, Kenteng, Guide, Anyar, and Mount Lingker. All the mountain plateau which covers 300 square km wide is challenging anyone to climb. Enchantment of the natural mountain more complete in August and September. In the area of the mountains and Ijen Merapi, visitors will see edelweiss flower. Flower yellow and white that grow on the slopes, mountain slopes. Lincoln edelweiss the tanks interest chenille make the ocean when the blooms are. To reach Ijen is not difficult. There are two routes that can be adopted, namely through the city of Daska city or pass through Banyuwangi.Kedua point that promises mountain scenery and cool beautiful. Along the smooth asphalt roads, coffee plantations spread, the ilalang, and the vast forests PERDU greet anyone who passes. From Bongaree, the distance that must be adopted as far as 72 kilometers. General vehicle will be ready to lead visitors to the Village Sempol. From here continue to travel as far Paltuding Post 15 km. Route Sempol-Paltuding this track is uphill, which can be accessed with a special vehicle rental because there is no longer public vehicles. The second option, Ijen be from the east (Banyuwangi). This path is preferred by foreign tourists who are willing to descend from Bali. In addition to a closer distance (30 kilometers) along the way many other alternative tourism objects that can be visited. Among the agro-tourism garden Kaliklatak coffee Osing culture and tourism in the village of Kemiren, Subdistrict Glagah. Through this point of time tourists only need about one hour truck ride to the temple, owned by PT Arimbi. After Paltuding, visitors must walk passing through the forest of pine and PERDU as far as four kilometers to the top Ijen crater. This route is also the route still working propelled sulfur. The roads are always wet soil is relatively wide, and equipped with the post-post temporarily to rest.On the sidelines of fir and pine forest along the road from the Post PHPA Paltuding to Pondok Seng, visitors can enjoy the flavor of one's heart fragrant flower edelweiss (Anaphalis javanica). With all the charm of the expense, not wonder if Ijen have become objects of the two main tourist destination in East Java after Mount Bromo in Probolinggo. Even cell number of tourists who come to Ijen, between the Government and Banyuwangi regency Daska often have to contend.
Papandayan Mountain, Garut; Enjoying the cool Hiking
01.45 | Author: natural beauty from Indonesia

Tourism is one of the natural alternative destination community, especially for those living in urban areas. Rest a moment from the noisy atmosphere in the city to enjoy the beautiful panorama of nature, can at least reduce the sense of vertigo as a result of too many jobs that deplete energy and mind. Mount Papandayan as one of the highest mountains in the area of West Java Province, other than Mount Ciremai, is a tourist attraction that seems worthy to be visited. Objects that tourism is located in Garut, including natural tourist attraction, famous enough, especially for those who have a hobby climb mountains, both living in the area of West Java Province and outside the West Java Province. The location of this tourist attraction, it is very easy to go through land transportation during the nearly more than 2.5 sd 3 hours. Like other mountains, toward the mountains Papandayan there are several entrances, one through the entrance, which is located in the village of Pakejeng Subdistrict Pamulihan which is the most common entrance passed the climber. Arriving in the village of Pakejeng, we actually still have to walk to the foot of Mount Papandayan while the postal registration sizable distance away, that is as much to 8 10 km (according to the information of the population) with the condition of the road uphill. But if we do not want to bring the chicken stock or enough money, we can actually rent dolak (car with the vessel open) to reach the foot of the mountain, but of course the price is high enough. For the climber, walking is the main option, in addition to also find the experience of supplies to save enough money to return to later. Arriving at the foot of Mount Papandayan, we are required to make registration with the administration to pay Rp 1500.00 (2000) and we are required to store personal identity card or groups. For the climber who wants to rest a while after that trip quite a lot of sweat exhaust was able to establish a tent camp in the areas of the earth Camp David. For those who want to continue climbing to the top of the mountain, first have to travel far for long hours with the condition have and uphill journey. Here, the climber must be careful, because if not, can override the skid and large stones that are in the surrounding roads so that life could be the peril. In the middle way between Camp David with Papandayan mountain peak, we can witness a natural phenomenon that so clearly visible in front of the eyelid, namely how to spray hot steam out of the belly of the earth and remove the smell of the relationship, because it may contain elements of sulfur. Here, the climber is usually happy to perpetuate Slick with natural phenomena which may not only in the area of tourism, there are other natural. When the trip until almost Papandayan in the top of the mountain, the journey will feel more soothing because seikit shady trees. Unlike the previous condition, the air feels hot because the journey is rarely found around the trees that tower capable of holding high the hot sun and the only form of cliffs and rocks of sandstone. Arriving at the peak of Mount Papandayan or better known as Pondok Saladah, there is pride for the climber who successfully achieve. Nature appears to have very beautiful views from the top of the mountain peak, we also seems to be above the clouds, unfold like a giant white carpets. We can also see or even deflower eidelweis which also has a lasting interest, although interest has never been and never faded away particularly the aroma. This interest is the interest of the rare because it only grows on the mountain top with cold, and not all the peaks it is by this type of interest. Although the air at the top of the mountain feels very cold, but the bullpen sirna by the natural beauty around the mountain peak presenting an atmosphere that is not possible to obtain in other places. Finally, we can only say "Allah is Great God with all forms of beauty that he created."
Rinjani Mountain, Lombok; Enchantment ecoturism the Challenge
01.25 | Author: natural beauty from Indonesia

The number of climber of Mount Rinjani experienced an increase in the last two years. Supporting facilities for power as a hornet. Mount Rinjani, increasingly popular in the international scene. Rinjani management as an area-based the ecoturism the participation of the community, awarded the international. Penghargaa the form of Award from the National Geographic Society and Conservation International for the category of Destination Stewardship. Since the last several years, Mount Rinjani is managed by the agency Rinjani Trek (BPRT), which assisted the consultant from New Zealand. Rinjani area of their own category National Park entrance. Mountains with a height of 3,726 meters above sea level is located in the district of West Lombok, Central Lombok, Lombok and the South. Rinjani a tourist attraction, which is managed 'rollicking'. He said, many previous complaints of the tourists who make climbing Mount Rinjani. They report has been robbed or get treatment is not fun. This situation, of course, harm tourism as a whole. Involving the public, proved able to overcome the constraints that exist. For those who like adventure, Rinjani is very challenging. To get to the top of Rinjani, can be accessed through various routes. For example, Route Senaru, Sembalun opportunity or Sesaot. Generally it takes three or four day trip from the village last, to be up to the mountain top. The duration of travel, depending on the situation and conditions in the field, and the selected route. One of the favorite route is Senaru. Senaru is a small town in the northern part of the island of Lombok. The distance between the Mataram-Senaru about 89 kilometers or less than 2.5 hours travel. To achieve Senaru can be used in motor vehicles. Tolerably good road conditions. Across the mountains and the coast, travel to Senaru have the effect of confinement. Pusuk in the region, for example, you will find many long-tailed monkeys at the roadside. Primates was quite tame and very happy if I get food. In this mountainous area, many hotels and villas stand. From Senaru, then you walk toward the edge of Caldera Babanan north, followed by a trip to the White River crowing. Travel Senaru-White crowing about one day with a foot. Prior to the peak, you can enjoy the lake Segara Anak. White crowing from this, you can Rinjani peak to peak through Plawangan. Senaru route, a lot of options, including foreign tourists, because it is considered as the easiest route didaki. Access to other routes can be used is Sembalun Lawang. Sembalun Lawang is a small city in the east of Mount Rinjani. Distance Sembalun Lawang-Mataram approximately 110 kilometers and can be accessed using a motor vehicle approximately four hours. From Sembalun opportunity to travel west to the Segara young one-day trip around, and then to Plawangan new to the top of Rinjani. Occasionally Plawangan directly to the climber and then to the top of Rinjani. Route Sembalun Lawang quite heavy route. Another alternative is the route Sesaot. The distance between Sesaot Mataram, with about 21 km or half-hour trip with the use of motor vehicles. From Sesaot we'll go to the crowing Babanan and White. Long trip around the two-day journey, across the mountains and forests. For those who like the scenery, the trip from the White Sesaot-crowing will experience apart. Arriving at the White crowing, we directly to Plawangan and then to the Summit of Rinjani. In addition to the three main routes before, as many who develop new routes. Local people also often uphill climb Rinjani with a different route. Even through a different route or routes, each meeting at one point, namely Mount Plawangan. From the top Plawangan known as the Plawangan Sembalun we cross paths climb the steep hills. Many climber mention this area as a 'grade Technique', because the field is heavy. Senaru also available in other services such as guides and porters. Not just a role as a friend and travel, the guides and porters are often also help the preparation of daily necessities, such as eating and drinking, or keep the goods left behind when the rest. In Senaru there are also rental service needs such as mountain climber and Sleeping bag and tent. From Senaru, we can enjoy the cultural tourism, for example, visiting the community of traditional indigenous Sasak community known as the Time Telu, who lived near the Post Mount Rinjani National Park. In this village, we can see the traditional house that they regularly groomed, which was built without a nail. Senaru around, there are also other natural tourist attraction, such as waterfalls sindang Gile and TIU valve.
Bromo Mountain, Navigate the Holy Community of Mount Tengger
01.09 | Author: natural beauty from Indonesia

Mount Bromo (from the Sanskrit language / Ancient Java, Brahma, one of the Main Hindu Gods), is that volcanoes are still active and the most famous objects as a tourist in East Java. As an object for tourism, mountain Bromo be interesting because the status as the volcano is still active. Bromo has a height of 2,392 meters above sea level is located in the four areas, namely Moyo district, Pasuruan, Houston, and the district of Malang. The shape of the body Bromo mesh between the mountains and valleys of the canyon with Caldera or the wide sea of sand about 10 square kilometers. Mount Bromo has a crater with a diameter of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). While the danger area a circle with a radius 4 km from the central crater Bromo. The existence of the Bromo Tengger suspected of originating from the terrible eruption of Mount Tengger (4,000 m) between 50,000 to 100,000 years ago. Caldera eruption this cause with a diameter of 8 km, which is surrounded by cliffs as high as 200 meters. Bromo Tengger can be reached from Bangkok with the purpose of the intercity bus Moyo, Houston, or Emerald from Terminal Purabaya (Bungurasih), Surabaya, to the bus terminal Moyo. Travel takes about 2.5 hours and forwarded to the Cemorolawang as far as 42 kilometers using minibuses for 1.5 hours. In Cemorolawang can relax in the hotel or inn that is. If you do not want to rest, able to direct Bromo far as 2.5 km by about 15 minutes with a jeep unique, 30-minute ride horses, or 1.5 hours of walking. Early days is the right time to climb Bromo opportunity to enjoy the beautiful sunrise at the peak. Travel to tour central object is heavy because the field should be not be passed by the 4 wheels vehicle normal, except we rent a jeep provided by the tour, so many tourists who walk to the central location. Ocean sand is the mainstay of mountain tourism Bromo, in the cool mountainous nature, we can see the sand and the wide meadow. Meanwhile, most awaited Bromo from the mountain is sightview when the sun rises and disappear because it will be clearly visible and very beautiful. Although the trip to Bromo very dusty, but I do not feel, because of the beauty that are presented truly extraordinary. For residents of Bromo, Tengger tribe, the mountain Brahma (Bromo) as a holy mountain. Once a year Tengger people hold ceremonies Yadnya Kasada or Kasodo. The ceremony is held in a temple, which is under the foot of Mount Bromo and continue north to the mountain top Bromo. Ceremony held in the middle of the night until early morning every full moon around 14 or 15 months in Kasodo (tenth), according to the Javanese calendar. Tengger tribe, which is located around the national park is a tribe of native Hindu religion. According to legend, the origins of the tribe from the Majapahit Kingdom insulate themselves. Unique, in the view of the population around (Tengger tribe) appears no fear despite Bromo know the mountain is dangerous, including many tourists who visit the National Park Bromo Tengger Semeru Kasodo at the ceremony. Kasodo ceremony held every year (December / January) on the full moon. Through the ceremony, the tribal community Tengger apply harvest exceeds the decline or ask for troops and cure of various diseases, namely how to present offerings to the crater with cast mountain Bromo, while the other must Tengger crater and down the cliffs to reach the capture offerings thrown into craters, as omen blessings from the Almighty. Bromo area, Tengger, Semeru will give you memories of ancient China for the season kujungan held between the months of June's October and December's January, the month because the community will start tengger events rituals and their exotic and magical.
Batur Mountain, Bali. Nuance Other Tours Mountains
00.32 | Author: natural beauty from Indonesia

Caldera volcano shelf located in the districts Kintamani, Bela district, Bali Province are on the mdpl altitude of 1,000 to 2,172 mdpl have air that is cool with air temperatures average between 15 ° - 21 ° C. geographical area volcano is located on the position of 8 ° 11 '- 8 ° 18' and LS 115 ° 18 '- 115 ° 27' BT. Expanse of natural or morphology volcanic shelf which can Activity tourism is the object as craters, Caldera and lakes, volcanic shelf consists of three volcanic cone with each craters, I shelf, shelf II and III shelf. Third volcanic cone that line to the northeast - southwest of this growth in the Caldera shelf. There are several craters cone sinder generated through the explosion and freatik or freatomagmatik as interaction Magma Magma with steam or water below the surface. In Batur Mountain, cone flank sinder spread throughout the body and foot volcano. Volcanic shelf has two Caldera, the Caldera and Caldera in the outside. Caldera constructed outside the oval-shaped round to the northwest - southeast with the dimensions of 13.8 km x 10 km. Caldera was almost in the circle with a diameter of 7 km. In the southeast Caldera formed in Grandma the crescent-shaped with a length of between 5 km - 7 km maximum width of 2.5 km. Symptoms of the activities of Batur mount related the situation with Magma below the surface volcanic eruption of volcano, solfatara, furmalora, mataair, and earthquake risk. Strombolian that occur randomly in both the main crater servant I, the servant II, III shelf. Solfatara is blowing sulfur. In general, there are around solfatara deposition sulfur yellow, sour taste, and smell the sting. In volcanic shelf, blowing solfatara and fumalora can be found in the crater I, II and III shelf. In Mount learner Batur Mount there are hot springs in the village Toyobungkah rift that emerged from the grip of rock Grandma. In the light of the increasing volume of water lakes, hot springs bualan is not seen again closed the lake water. Local residents and tourists make the eyes water this summer to warm body. Seismisiti or earthquake risk is one of the methods of research and observation volcano. Monitoring earthquake risk in the volcanic fires of Mount shelf is done continuously observation post in Gunung Api shelf, the village Panelokan. Object support tourism in the area of Mount shelf is the object of tourism-related aspects of the natural fire mount and social culture. Activities that attract tourism dollars in the area of volcanic shelf is touring the lake by using a motorboat. Destination lake is the village Trunyan, funeral Trunyan, Pure Ulun Sagittarius, and hot springs Toyobungkah. All the objects destination is around Grandma. That there are cultural tourism in the area of volcanic shelf is Trunyan, cultural tourism Trunyan presents a unique cultural tourism. Although the entire population Trunyan Hindu religion, such as the general community, they stated that the Hindu Trunyan is a genuine heritage of the Hindu kingdom of Majapahit. Hindu system of worship Trunyan little different with the Hindu general. One example is the way funeral mourner.
Merapi Mountain, Hiking Merapi Reaching the Sun
23.05 | Author: natural beauty from Indonesia

Mount Merapi, is one - the only volcano in Yogyakarta. Located approximately 30 kilometers, north of the city of Yogyakarta and its peak form sand plains that are not flat, wide approximately 4 hectares, with some pit crater one-two of them always whiff of smoke thick, to mark the mountain Merapi is still active work. When the mountain shows erupsi fury, the public can see the cloud of Yogyakarta smoke the white gray or black forth above, the visible from a distance, such as wool pile. However, if the mountain is in a state of "calm", Its enchantment that hit, so it stimulates the young who want to climb the mountain and adventure lovers of the sport climbing the mountain peak to conquer. To reach its peak, can be two-way street. The first road through the village of Kinahrejo which is located approximately 2 kilometers in the east where recreational Kaliurang. The distance between the villages of Kinahrejo to the peak of Mount Merapi only about 9 kilometers, but the distance is usually takes 10 hours, given the difficult terrain pendakiannya enough. But the fact that difficult terrain that is attractive to teenagers, because the average - the average so their morale is high, until all the factors it deems as the difficulty of the challenge for the defeated. The easier road, through the regional Selo Boyolali district of Mount Merapi is located between the mountains Merbabu, in Central Java province. Regional Selo this can be achieved from Yogyakarta with the vehicle bus to Kartosuro, next to Featherston. In the afternoon, the vehicle is rather difficult point, until it is suggested that if you want to go to areas that cultivated before Selo from 13.00. Also recommended to climb to the peak of Merapi is using the service guide or pilot. When forced to stay overnight, the guide is to provide for the needs of the house. For the less interested in doing climbing up to the top, can still admire the beauty of this mountain Merapi, which varies from region is located approximately 2 kilometers Southeast of the city not, or can also see from Turi district, approximately 5 km in the city of West Kaliurang, if you want to see the peak of Merapi from a distance clearly, can be used binoculars observers from the Observer Post Mount Merapi in Plawangan, Kaliurang. On the slopes of Merapi, near the city unfold Plawangan not be expecting a cool, that far more than 25 kilometers from Yogyakarta city. Since the Dutch colonial era, the city has beautiful scenery, and have various recreational facilities adequate. Now, Kaliurang has become more attractive again, and was built with the development of various recreational facilities and various other facilities, such as: swimming pool, forest recreation, amusement parks and sports arena. For the youth and scouts, is not popular, because in this area are also available earth camp, point-point cross-roaming nature and the beautiful natural scenery of the romantic intrigue us. Villas, bungalows, guest house and lodging facilities, including some that have facilities for the purpose of the Convention (conferences, seminars, meetings - meeting, the work-shop, upgrading) and home - home to eat, the more cultivated many people in the region this tour. Can be achieved from the first sub-terminal Terban with the micro or bus can also rise from this place to Kaliurang bus, which departs from Umbulharjo terminal located in Yogyakarta.